China Geology University (Wuhan) Leader Mr. Fu Visited Jinfan

Mr. Fu Anzhou, leader of China Geology University (Wuhan) visited our company on 24 October 2012. The university has been giving great support to the company since the establishment of manufacturing-research strategic relationship between the two sides in 2009.

Mr. Luo Qiang, Chairman of the company updated the visitors the status of the manufacturing-research base, company’s overall growth status in 2012 and the construction of 2nd phase project to increase the production capacity. Mr. Fu gave the comments on the company’s business growth and hoped to see the healthy cooperation between the university and the company.


Mr. Fu and his party also saw the IDS8000 Muiti-functional Drilling-in Tester Bed designed and manufactured by China Geology Universtiy and Jinfan Drilling Equipment Ltd and is ready to deliver.